Dec 01 2012
Annada’s 4th Birthday Party (Neighborhood)
Today we celebrated Annada turning 4 with her neighborhood friends. It’s the first of three parties (neighborhood, family and school friends). I’m overcompensating pretty determined that being a December baby won’t leave her feeling uncelebrated.
We started with Marc making balloon hats and then leading some balloon games. He was awesome. This is where having a dad who is professional performer and has his own sound system pays off. He had the kids run through an obstacle course then throw a balloon spear through a loop. As they did the sound system made sounds to show the kids were charging the music and then set off an alarm when the charge was done – kicking off a dance party.
Then we had dinner (Annada’s favorites: Mac n cheese, lasagna, watermelon, carrots and ranch) and cake. Before eating, one of the girls asked if she could use the microphone to say something to Annada. She talked about how much she loves Annada. Which set off all 16 kids wanting to tell Annada something they liked about her or that they loved her. Annada seemed pretty interested in the cake, but it was my favorite moment!
Last were Annada’s two favorite parts: the mythical piñata and presents. Annada had asked for two things at her party, dancing and a piñata. Annada picked out a pirate piñata.
I suspected the piñata was not going to be smashed when she started sleeping with it. Then Annada started bargaining – maybe we could hit it gently? Hold it up so high no one could reach it?
So today the piñata stayed safely at home and Marc threw candy out. They we let Annada eat every piece she collected. I don’t think she thought we would really let her do it because she hid in the corner of the pool away from everyone else and ate it all as fast as she could. When I asked her at bed what her favorite part of the day was she told me, “Eating every piece of my candy!”

Singing Happy Birthday – in English and Spanish, of course! Marc tried to get everyone to sing in German but it didn’t work ;).
Annada’s presents were art supplies and princess stuff – her friends know her well. Plus one extremely cute tutu outfit. Pretty much every present came with a handmade card. Some of the girls had even gotten together yesterday and had a card making party for today.

Marc and I high fived on the way home as Annada ran around us, still sugar high. Marc is already in bed regaining some energy. I’m next. But it’s been 2 months since I’ve posed (I am so sorry!) and today was a day to celebrate.
When we left all the kids gave Annada, Marc and I a hug. I love our neighborhood!