Archive for June, 2012

Jun 20 2012

Dancing in the car

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Annada told me she wanted to wear the costume because it would “amuse” people.

“They will say, ‘there is a dancer. That is fun!'” she said.


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Jun 19 2012

Swimming and eating snow peas from Meme’s garden.

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Annada calls the garden “kid paradise.”

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Jun 12 2012


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PJ day at school

PJ day at school

Yesterday Annada didn’t drink her breakfast smoothie. I put probotic in it so I decided to try again. I went out into the garage were we have cans of sparkling juice. We call it soda and it is usually for special occasions.

I poured half a cup, stirred in probiotic and then found Annada.

“Would you like some soda?” I asked.

Annada ran over with a big smile and grabbed for the cup. Just before her fingers touched it, she drew back.

“Is it real soda, Mommy?” she asked.

“Yes, see here is the can,” I replied.

Annada smiled again and took the cup. This time she got it all the way to her lips before stopping and looking at the drink suspiciously.

“Is this probiotic soda?” she asked.

Busted. Annada doesn’t miss much ;).

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Jun 10 2012

My girls reading the Jesus stories before bedtime

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Jun 08 2012

Make my day

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Every day is a reason to dress like Santa in Annada's world.

Every day is a reason to dress like Santa in Annada's world.

No, really, Annada did.

Today was her last day of school. As I was tucking her in bed I told her my favorite parts of today were reading “Silly Sally” to Annada’s class and watching her go up to graduate (from early preschool). I told her I am very proud of her.

“I am proud of you, Mommy,” she replied, “for making a special craft for my class.”

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Jun 01 2012

On our way to her school musical

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Cutest rain drop I’ve ever seen.


Despite being “put in the middle so she can’t spin” by her teacher, Annada still had several unplanned dance solos. She wasn’t the only one – it was ADORABLE!

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Jun 01 2012

Good taste

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When I picked Annada up from school, she asked to go out to lunch with me. We ran errands and I let her keep an eye out for where she wanted to go.

“There, there, Mommy!” she called out after we passed by many options. So here we are, at an authentic Peruvian resturant eating some kind of roasted seed. 🙂


Afterward I discovered there is a large, bright yellow jumping spider living in our car. When it jumps, it leaves behind a string of web, so there is no pretending it is gone.

I tried to kill it and a random man saw me. He started insisting it was “a danger for the baby (Annada)” over and over and rummaging through my car looking for it. Annada started yelling, “Don’t kill it Mama! It is a nice spider – it doesn’t have spikes. It is playing hide n go seek with me!”

All as this spider is jumping around and I am getting soaked by rain. Then in the middle of the yelling, the guy started trying to sell me perfume and watches out of his truck and his wife started yelling. It was so bizarre I wanted to laugh and yell for help at the same time!

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