Archive for September, 2012

Sep 18 2012

The shepherd show

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Annada loves to put on shows for me. Right now she is doing the Shepherd’s Dance. She has imaginary sheep all around her :).

Annada has been asking for a pet. Often at night we walk together and she looks for a pet. She’s hoping to find a cat or dog (not happening), but ends up with centipedes and lizards. We’ve talked about how if we find a cat or dog, we would need to find it’s owner.

A few minutes ago, Annada said, “Why do we have to find a pet’s owner? I will take care of my fish.”

“Because the owner misses it. How would you feel if your pet disappeared?” I replied.

“I would be sad if my cheetah was gone,” Annada said sadly.

Well, that escalated quickly.

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