Archive for April, 2011

Apr 23 2011

Grandma and Grandpa Love

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Grandma and Grandpa gave Annada a bath when they came to visit a couple of months ago. She thanks God for them every night.

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Apr 23 2011

Click, Clack, Moo!

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Annada and I with Chicken.

Annada and I with Chicken.

Marc and I took Annada to see the musical “Click, Clack, Moo!” She loved it! There is a part where the cows sing about how they are dreaming of electric blankets with boas. Later that week Meme sent Annada a pink boa! So Annada loves to pull the boa out and twirl singing about electric blankets.

Taking Annada to the theater reminded me of when I would dress up and my parents would take me to see shows or ballets. Those are some of my favorite memories.

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Apr 23 2011

Super Plumbing Girl

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Annada loves to help Daddy. So when we scored a new free dishwasher, Annada wanted to be the one to install it.

PS: Here’s the amazing dishwashing story. Our dishwasher has been slowly dying. Marc tried everything to fix it. We had just resigned to buying a new one but hadn’t told anyone, when Marc was talked with some construction guys down the street. They were ripping everything out of a house condemned because of Chinese drywall. The owners had just bought brand new top-of-the-line appliances. The construction worker looked at Marc and said, “Don’t suppose you could use a new dishwasher? I hate to throw it away but I have to because they claimed insurance.”

Um.. yes we could. And wow. Thank you God.

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Apr 21 2011

Toilet Paper Fort

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Shopping with Daddy :)

Shopping with Daddy :)

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Apr 17 2011


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A passport photo attempt. The one we used is so cute even the passport lady "awwed" out loud.

Annada has become a happy biter. If she gets really excited she may chomp down. I’m not even sure she means to bite. I think she just starts chomping and if I am in the way… ouch!

Tonight we were playing hide n’ go seek before bed. The final time I found her I picked her up and Annada was squealing with excitement. Somehow on the way up Annada bit me.

Now bitting is a serious thing – it has major playground consequences. I worry that Annada will bite for joy but hurt and scare another kid accidentally.

So I laid her on the changing table and showed her the red spot where she bit me. After talking about why biting is bad I asked her if I should do something to help her remember. (Admittedly, I was probably asking for too much.)

Annada looked thoughtful and slowly said, “If… I… bite.. Mommy… it… would… be…”

(Long Pause – I thought, wow, she’s really trying.)

“AWESOME!” Annada threw her hands above her head and gave her most devious grin.

(It was so hard not to laugh.)

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Apr 17 2011

The Next Ringo Starr

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Marc sets up these neighborhood “band” events. He’s pretty much the coolest dad ever.

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Apr 17 2011

Define Cool?

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Annada loved going to the petting zoo with Meme.

Annada loved going to the petting zoo with Meme.

Annada was eating a kiddie ice cream cone for a snack today when Annada noticed Aunt Erica’s bowl was bigger than her cone.

“But your cone is much cooler than mine.” Aunt Erica said.

Annada paused for a moment.

“How warm is yours?” She replied.

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Apr 17 2011

I love you so much.

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Annada just got back from a week with Meme and Pepe. I got a gate pass to pick her and Aunt Erica up. I was sitting at the gate trying not to stare out the window (a watched plane never lands) so I saw it come in from the corner of my eye.

“It’s here!” I yelled out without even thinking. The business men sitting around me jumped a little then gave me their best, leg crossing, first-time-flyer dismissal. But I didn’t care. And when Annada ran out and gave me a hug I could hear the “awwww.”

After the hug her first concern was to find Daddy. He’s in Omaha with his family, so she was a little disappointed (but she had seen him that morning).

All afternoon she was super cuddly and loving.

I was making her bedtime snack when she wrapped her arms around my legs and yelled, “I love you so much!!” Then gave me kisses. I said, “I love you so much!” And gave her kisses. Then she did it back – on and on for about 5 minutes. It was awesome. I love Annada!

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Apr 02 2011

Annada’s Special Home

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It’s been a couple of years in the making. But Annada now has a special home under the stairs! She has two kitchens, a baby doll bed and reading nook in there. Marc and I have spent time over the last couple of years, slowly painting and finishing the space.

Annada calls it “my home.” As in, let’s go home Mommy so I can go play in my home!”

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Apr 02 2011

Picking Daddy up at the Airport

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Annada was so excited to pick Daddy up at the airport that she wanted to wear her “special Pepe dress.” We ended up waiting over an hour for Daddy’s plane to land and Annada spent almost the whole time with her face pressed against the glass looking for him.

When she saw him, she turned and ran next to him (he was on the other side of the glass barrier). She had her eyes glued on Daddy, so she ran right into a column. It was beautiful determination, the way she jumped up with tears in her eyes and started after Daddy again.

Marc made it around the corner and scooped her up. I am so proud of both of them!

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