Apr 17 2011


Published by at 9:04 PM under Uncategorized

A passport photo attempt. The one we used is so cute even the passport lady "awwed" out loud.

Annada has become a happy biter. If she gets really excited she may chomp down. I’m not even sure she means to bite. I think she just starts chomping and if I am in the way… ouch!

Tonight we were playing hide n’ go seek before bed. The final time I found her I picked her up and Annada was squealing with excitement. Somehow on the way up Annada bit me.

Now bitting is a serious thing – it has major playground consequences. I worry that Annada will bite for joy but hurt and scare another kid accidentally.

So I laid her on the changing table and showed her the red spot where she bit me. After talking about why biting is bad I asked her if I should do something to help her remember. (Admittedly, I was probably asking for too much.)

Annada looked thoughtful and slowly said, “If… I… bite.. Mommy… it… would… be…”

(Long Pause – I thought, wow, she’s really trying.)

“AWESOME!” Annada threw her hands above her head and gave her most devious grin.

(It was so hard not to laugh.)


One response so far

One Response to “Awesome!”

  1. Tayloron 18 Apr 2011 at 12:15 PM

    Like mother, like daughter!

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