Mar 27 2013

Aragorn’s birthday present

Published by at 2:58 PM under Uncategorized

Annada is carefully testing toys to pick out the best one to give Aragorn on the day he is born.

She picked out a duck that shakes when you pull a string. After we got home, we wrapped it in cellophane and Annada picked ribbons to decorate the package. Then we put it in the pile of stuff we are going to take to the Birth Place. Annada really wants to bake a cake for Aragorn’s birthday and then put the present on top for him. I am so grateful that she is already starting to love her brother.

One of my favorite ways she is kind to Aragorn is by “petting” him. At one of my appointments she saw a poster of healthy ways for mom’s to be to sit or lay down. One is cross-legged with my hands on my belly. When Annada saw it, she lit up. “You can pet Aragorn!” she said. So now, before bed, she likes me to sit like that while both of us rub my belly.

Annada also likes to lean on me when we talk or read stories in bed at night. Aragorn tends to kick at anything that pushes on him (like a seat belt or the bed when I lay down). So he often goes nuts on Annada’s back. It makes me giggle but Annada smiles and says, “Aragorn is just saying hi, Mommy.”


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