Aug 09 2012

Q & A

Published by at 11:33 AM under Uncategorized

Annada found a Q & A game I am bringing to our staff retreat. She wanted to answer all the questions. I am so glad she did. Here’s her answers:

What is your favorite memory?

Playing with Asher at gymnastics.

What do you like to take with you when you travel?

My iPad (a leapPad)

What is your favorite body part?

My head because it likes sugar.

If you could have any personality trait, what would it be?

Butterfly traits because I want to have pink wings.

What makes a happy life?

Aerobic exercise. Eating healthy food. Going to bed and sleeping.

Do you prefer to know what will happen or surprises?

Surprises. Especially candy surprises.

What time of year is your birthday?


What is your favorite clothing item?

My Cinderella clothes

What new skills would you like?

Fish skills so I can swim underwater.

At what age should people get married?

4 years old.

What is the best way to apologize to someone?

Say I’m sorry.

What makes you feel loved?


What do you want to do for your birthday?

I want to have streamers that twirl and dance with them.

What is your favorite thing?

Whatever Judah has. (You want what Judah is playing with? Yes, and he doesn’t share with me.)

Would you rather be awake for a sunset or sunrise?

I want to be awake for the sunset. I like to be awake at night.

If you could own any store, what store would you want and why?

I want Publix because it has all the food. (What food do you want? Watermelon.)

What is your favorite thing to do?

Play with toys

What do you wake up in the morning looking forward to?

Playing with crafts


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