May 28 2012

Cooking water soup

Published by at 5:44 PM under Uncategorized

As I made dinner tonight Annada got out some bowls and spoons and cups.

“I’m cooking too. I’m cooking something Daddy will like,” she said.

When it came time to set the table she carefully carried over a bowl of water she had been working on. Then she poured it in a cup.

“I’m eating water soup in a cup!” She exclaimed. You know what they say, when Mom gives you water to drink, make water soup.


Tonight as I was putting Annada to sleep she asked, “What would we do if we were outside and we were tired and hungry, Mommy?”

“I would say, ‘God, we are tired and hungry and we don’t know what to do. Would you please help us?” I replied.

“And then God would rain down BPA free plastic cups!” Annada exclaimed. “I would get a pink one, you would get an orange one and Daddy would get a green one.”

“So we would have cups to drink out of?” I asked.

“Yes. And God would make water come of of a rock and we would capture the water in our cups,” Annada replied.

“So then we would have water to drink,” I said.

“And then God would rain down plastic tables,” Annada said.

“Why plastic?” I asked.

“Because God wants us to be safe,” she replied.

“So we would have cups, water to drink and a table,” I said.

“And God would rain down food, Mommy,” Annada laughed.

“What kind of food Annada?” I asked.

“Cake… and orange juice… and bottles of milk,” she replied.


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