Sep 11 2009
Mom! I do NOT like Disney characters!
Or as Bill said, “What’s the problem Annada? Its just a huge, blue scary looking alien that wants to kiss you!”
This is seconds before a full out scream…
Today was Annada’s first day at Disney. Every Friday we will spend time connecting with the 8,000 students in Disney’s college program. Disney actually invited Campus Crusade for Christ to come! I am grateful Annada and I were picked to join Disney’s first missional team and I am excited to find out what God has planned.
Annada is a trooper. We went through training and orentation all day. And while it was fun for me, to Annada it meant a lot of meetings, scary large animals that wanted to kiss her, no nap and less toys than normal. But she made friends everywhere she went by smiling and laughing. Except for the characters, of course. Mickey made her scream from 5 feet away.