Aug 28 2009

Things I love about Annada at 8 months and 2 weeks old:

Published by at 12:40 PM under Uncategorized

She calls for Ma Ma when I am distracted.
She breaks out in a huge smile when I come to rescue her from her crib.
She turns the page of her book 50% of the times I ask.
When she is mad at me she will pause, look at me defiantly, and rip off her socks with a smirk.
She dances when the counting song is played by her mailbox or table. She will even dance when I sing it!
She would rather feed herself. To get her to eat cereal I have to wait until she has eaten all the other food first.
She wants to be held and play at the same time. She can’t have both, so she dives for me then immediately dives back for her toy. She is never afraid of landing on her face.
She wants to walk and doesn’t mind that she falls over every time she tries.
When she is mad I won’t let her eat tissues while I change her diaper, she starts throwing her toys off the changing table.
When Daddy gets down and encourages her to walk to him (with my help) half the time she runs to him. The other half of the time she squeals and laughs manically as she tries to run away.
When Marc gets home she dives for him out of my arms.
If I am the one coming back, she dives for me.
If she is hurting she sticks her lip out and sends huge silent tears down her face. (Ugh, shots.)
She smiles and charms people as we walk through the store.
She can only crawl backward. The more excited she is, the faster she goes. And the more frustrated she gets. So the faster she goes. Until she backs up into a corner and I rescue her.
She can see my feet under the coffee table when I am sitting on the couch watching her play. So she commando crawls under it to get to me – and gets stuck halfway every time.
Her curls and her eyes… so beautiful.
She spreads her toes when I kiss her feet.
She laughs when I kiss her ribs.
She still reaches for me to kiss her hand when I nurse her before bed.
She is content just about anywhere if Marc or I are with her. And she loves the interns.
She tries to eat bugs off the ground.
She hides her head in my shoulder when we walk outside into the sun.
She smells good.
She used to cry when I cleaned her face. Now she just purses her lips and stares at me waiting for it to be over.
No toy is as cool as something Mommy or Daddy uses.
Occasionally she gives me a kiss! (Wide-open and slobbery goodness)

Thank you, Jesus, for my little girl!

(The hardest part of being her mom: knowing her family is too far away.)


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