Aug 08 2009
A funny thing happened on the way to Orlando…
On the plane Daddy opened a package of crackers to share with Mommy. He would take two out and wait for her to grab them. She was holding me and talking.
Mommy was getting frustrated because Daddy didn’t give her many crackers, but she didn’t tell him. Daddy was amazed how fast she was eating them, but he didn’t say anything either.
Hee hee.
Nobody realized I was eating them!
Until I threw-up into Mommy shirt. “You fed her crackers!” a very gross Mommy yelled. “No way,” replied Daddy. “I was giving them to you!”
“No, you were eating them, I only got a couple,” Mommy replied.
“No, I just held them out and you were taking them,” Daddy said.
Then, a very stinky Mommy paused, and burst out laughing. “Annada!” they both exclaimed.
Hee hee. I’m fast!