Jan 25 2013


Published by at 10:53 PM under Uncategorized

Friends are becoming a very serious part of life for Annada. No longer does she play side-by-side, but she becomes quite attached to the people she calls friends. She’s loyal to the end (which has led to some tears) and we are trying to help her understand that it is good to have lots of friends and let her friends play with other people.

Fortunately, our neighborhood is full of amazing kids. Even though most are older than Annada, they love on her and play with her. It’s not unusual for 4-5 kids to come to the house asking if Annada can come out and play.

For her part, Annada LOVES to feed her friends and make them presents. The week she made gingerbread men (think cake pops in the shape of gingerbread men) to give away. Then she runs to the playground to find kids to share with. The neighborhood kids are quick – when they see Annada walk out with a plate of something they come running.

My Friends Warm Me Up

Last week Marc was out of town so I asked Annada to think of something fun she would like to do. She said she would like to have a tea party. So we planned a party.

After getting ready and baking orange rolls we headed out to find some girls to invite over. I was hoping for about 3 girls. Well, we ended up with nine as word got out and kids kept showing up at our door (after 9 I started saying no – there were only 9 rolls). It was really fun. And some of the kids even ran home to find something to bring. We ended up having more of a full dinner than just tea.

After eating, all the kids went into Annada’s special room under the stairs. If you have seen the room, you know that required people sitting on other people. The kids made sure Annada had a spot but after about 10 minutes Annada left and went up stairs. I watched her on the monitor just mess around in her room while everyone else played downstairs.

After about 15 minutes I went up after her.

“Annada, do you want the kids to leave?” I asked. I though maybe she had enough.

“No!” Annada burst out.

“You aren’t even playing with them. Why do you want them here?” I asked.

“When it is just you and me I get cold,” Annada replied. “But my friends warm me up.”


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