Jan 20 2013

Bryn and Brian’s wedding

Published by at 11:42 PM under Uncategorized

This was the most kid-firendly wedding I have ever attended. It was great. All the kids were invited to be a part of a parade before the Bryn walked the aisle. Annada was so excited to get to be in the wedding. She took her role very seriously.

I always love it when Annada is cuddly!

They had a movie and coloring for the kids during the reception, but Annada never even checked it out. The moment the music started playing she was out on the dance floor… without me!

We had just gotten food and I was hungry, but I watched as she danced her heart out and found new partners for every dance. It is amazing how much she had grown up – she doesn’t just jump around anymore. She was dancing with the best of them :).

20 minutes in I noticed she was down to one shoe. The other sandal had literally spilt in half because she was dancing so hard.

She danced the whole time, only stopping to eat wedding cake. (Once I ate, I was out there too. I know Annada comes by her love for dancing naturally.)

I think we were quite a pair, the pregnant lady and the 4-year-old prima. (And 2 days later, I could stand up again with feeling like my hips would spilt.) The only time Annada reminded me she wasn’t a 20-somthing was during the Cupid Shuffle. She couldn’t quite get the whole dance and would get frustrated every time she turned the wrong way.

One of the sweetest moments of the night came as Annada was eating cake. She’d danced several hours non-stop and she was holding up her head with her hand. She looked like at any moment she would fall asleep and face plant into the cake. But even with her eyes half open, her shoulders were bobbing up and down to the beat.


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