Jan 23 2012

Ballet Begins

Published by at 12:37 AM under Uncategorized

Showing off her new moves.

Showing off her new moves.

Annada has begun ballet. I’m pretty sure I was 10 times more excited about it than she was. And Annada was excited. The ballet school meets where her music class meets and every time she saw girls heading to dance class she would ask me when she would be old enough to go.

Yep. Cutest ballerina ever.

Yep. Cutest ballerina ever.

I think I may have been overly enthusiastic, though. Because the night before class she started crying and saying she did not want to go to ballet. She told me she was scared. I asked her to try one class and I promised to stay the whole time. I told her if she did not like it, she never had to go back. Inside I thought we would end up trying again next year.

Remember the picture of Marc doing that when she was a baby?

Remember the picture of Marc doing that when she was a baby?

I was even more sure she wasn’t ready when we pulled up to the building and she started sobbing. I took her out of her car seat and Daddy and I held her. When she calmed down we realized she was upset because she saw the building and thought we were taking her to music class. “I want to go to ballet Mommy! Please, I want to go dance!”

Once we got inside and she saw the other little adorable girls in ballet outfits she ran right into the class room. They didn’t let me go with her. Especially since I promised to stay with her I would have expected that to be a problem. Instead, I watched through the blinds as Annada jumped happily right into class.



Annada did have trouble following along. And the teacher did not know her name and got frustrated when Annada didn’t respond. Annada didn’t seem to mind though. As soon as class was over she was begging me to take her back next week.

When we got home Erin, a friend and YearOne intern, came over. Annada practiced her leaps and chassés all around the block with Erin. Now Annada likes to pretend she is the teacher and teaches me to do the ballet they do in class (and some purely Annada moves like hanging upside down off the couch or spinning until she falls down).


At Annada’s second class she had improved a ton. Her teacher even found Marc to tell him how great Annada was doing. It was great to watch Annada realize her practice paid off.

Really and truly, I just want Annada to have fun and learn a little about being in a class. Getting to see her in totally adorable dance clothes once a week is just a sweet bonus :).


One response so far

One Response to “Ballet Begins”

  1. Grandmaon 18 Feb 2012 at 9:50 PM

    Good job, dancing, Annada!!!
    I love your ballet outfit!

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