Dec 10 2011
Sin, part 2
Tonight as I was singing Annada to bed (and completely unprompted) Annada said, “I sin. Meme and Pepe sin too. Everyone sins. When did I sin, Mommy?
She paused, but before I knew how to answer she told me, “I sinned when I put the book in my bed after you said enough. When else did I sin?”
“I don’t know,” I replied. “You sin when you do something you know is wrong or don’t do something you know you should. But you don’t have to try to figure out each time you may have sinned in the past. When you sin, just ask God to forgive you.”
“But what happens?” She asked.
“God promises to forgive you,” I said. “It is in the Bible. God said that when you ask Him to forgive your sins he will wash you white as snow.”
“Please wash my sins white as snow, God!” Annada called out.
Then she asked, “Will I change colors, Mommy?
“No, God washes the sin out of your heart. It is a story way of saying He totally forgives you. The Bible has other story ways of saying it too. God says your sin is as far as the East is from the West – further than anyone can go. In another picture way of saying it, God says your sin is buried below the ocean.”
“God squeezed my sin down under the sea,” Annada said confidently.