Dec 01 2011

YearOne Christmas Party

Published by at 11:17 PM under Uncategorized

It’s almost Jesus’ birthday, so in my neighborhood it is time to party. We have 6 parties to go to just related to our job! And that doesn’t count the ones I declined for sanity’s sake. I love it – God among us. What better reason is there to celebrate?


Our team proposed going to WDW and having dinner together for our Christmas party. We put aside a little money each month to have a social and never found time to do it. So they voted to combine it all. WDW does most of the work and we enjoy our team? I was a huge fan of the idea.

We ate at the German Bier Garden. I will admit being a little skeptical, but it was awesome. Yes there was pickled herring (no, I did not eat any) but the food was good. And there was a band and dance floor. It was perfect. Annada and the William’s kids danced (and me, but shhhhh) while we talked.

Annada found a little girl who was also wearing a Belle dress. Annada walked up and started holding her hand. The little girl pulled away twice, but then gave in. They held hands for the rest of the night and I think Annada really made a friend.

The two Belles - they are holding hands in the picture.

The two Belles - they are holding hands in the picture.

And the show was good. I am always surprised at how clearly Disney talks about Christmas. In the show they told the story of how Silent Night was written, complete with encouraging kids to yell “Jesus!” throughout it. Then they encouraged us to sing the song with them.

YouTube Preview Image

After the show we went to the Candle Light Processional. Again, I felt like I was in church. Michael W. Smith read the incarnation story from the gospel of Luke and even talked about betting his life that Jesus is the answer we are all looking for. It was a hour of scripture and hymns and incredible music that ended when everyone stood for the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah.

The only bummer is that we were rained on the whole time. But it was that good – it was worth getting soaked.


Then we watched the fireworks which was great. I always choke up when they say “Peace on earth, goodwill to men” in each language represented in Epcot while lighting up that area. It hit me twice as hard this year as we heard the languages of places we had been this year.

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.'” Luke 2:13-14


One response so far

One Response to “YearOne Christmas Party”

  1. Kevinon 02 Dec 2011 at 4:00 AM

    I’m really impressed that Disney gave such an explicitly Christian Christmas party! I can definitely see why the fireworks show was meaningful. It will be very interesting and powerful if we get to see God’s word reach the entire world in our lifetimes.

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