Nov 29 2011

What makes a man… (Warning: rated PG)

Published by at 11:17 PM under Uncategorized

Marc and Annada were playing with play dough outside. Annada assigned Marc to make a daddy and she was making a baby. When they were done they showed them to each other.

“Here is my baby, Daddy.” Annada said. “It is a boy baby. I know because it has a penis.”

Annada took a piece of play dough and made a small snake. Then she stuck the snake in roughly the right place.

Annada picked up the baby and began to play. Meanwhile, Marc was trying desperately not to burst out laughing. He lost it, though, when the piece fell off.

“Oh no!” Yelled Annada, loudly enough the boys riding by on bikes turned to look. “His penis fell off!”


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