Nov 27 2011

Annada Transcribed

Published by at 12:47 PM under Uncategorized

Doing puzzles at Meme and Pepe's.

Doing puzzles at Meme and Pepe's.

Annada is currently “not-napping.” She has an awful cold and was up coughing most of the last two nights. Marc and I are tired from coming in and giving her water when she can’t stop hacking.

Last night at 4 am I brought her water and she asked to come sleep in our bed. She sounded pathetic. So I agreed to crawl into her crib (at least Marc could sleep that way). Annada has the amazing ability to wake up by talking. So the longer I lay in there the more awake she got. We talked about spiders, her plan to bring Meme to our house after Christmas (It will be okay Mommy. Really it will. I will wear my seat belt on the plane.), and how she is almost three so she should be able to get out of bed at 4 am.

After about 30 min of half-sleeping, half-talking, I left Annada sitting up and playing with dolls in her crib. I thought I could catch up on sleep this morning. Nope, Annada woke up coughing and saw the sun was up.

After Thanksgiving dinner with Rabia, Jessica and Lucky.

After Thanksgiving dinner with Rabia, Jessica and Lucky.

So, Marc and I decided she would take a nap. Marc is napping. Annada is jumping up and down (literally) in her crib making up songs. I can hear her on the monitor. She’s unintentionally hilarious. She is saying….

(Loud blowing noises.)

“I can blow my nose on my shirt, Daddy! I can. I can. My shirt is washable. It is okay. You will wash it. I did it! I blowed my noise on my shirt. It is okay. The snot comes off. You can wash my bed.”

“I am awake! I am awake! I am awake! Open the door! I don’t need a pull-up. I am awake!”

“Meow. Meow. I am a kitty. I am awake. Let me out. How can you do that to a kitty? I want to go. Let me out. I woke up. How can you do that to a kitty?!”

(Don’t worry. I’ll limit the kitty torture to an hour. I really do wish she would take a nap, though.)


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