Nov 15 2011


Published by at 1:07 AM under Uncategorized

Notice the awesome turkey pumpkin by Meme and angel pumpkin by Annada.

Notice the awesome turkey pumpkin by Meme and angel pumpkin by Annada.

This is the first year Annada was old enough to really anticipate trick or treating. Everyday for two weeks she asked me if it was today.

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Annada had plenty of costumes to choose from. A belly dancing outfit, a flying horse, a ballerina and her mideast princess dresses were all options. She changed her mind a couple of times a day leading up to Halloween. But in the end… she choose the German princess costume Meme brought her that day!


Meme and Pepe came to take Annada trick or treating, celebrate my 30th birthday and help us while we took a class. I loved having everyone together.


On the big night we decided to let Annada eat as much candy as she wanted. We thought perhaps she would eat 3-4 pieces and be done. Um… nope. Before the night was over she had about 10 pieces of candy and was walking a bit wobbly!


She sorted her candy by type, taking each piece one at a time to a table. Later that night Marc and I took all but a few of her favorite pieces and brought the rest to work. I wondered if she would be upset when most of it was missing, but she didn’t complain.

She did, however, hide the candy that was left and the bag. I think she hid it very well, because she can’t find it and neither can we. She keeps looking and has asked a couple of times if we took it. Neither Marc, Meme or I remember touching her bag after that morning, so the mystery of the missing candy bag continues…


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