Oct 24 2011

Touring Publix

Published by at 11:15 PM under Uncategorized

Petting the lobster.

Petting the lobster.

Friday Annada’s playgroup toured Publix, our local grocery store. Annada and I were excited to go. A few weeks ago Annada noticed there was a door at the store she was not allowed to open. It went up stairs to a glassed in level of the store where the offices are. She decided she wanted to go up there badly. I told her only employees could go up there, “I will work here, Mommy,” she said. “I will. They will have jazzercise and I will kiss you goodbye and go to work.”

So when I told her we got to go behind the door the next day, she was so excited she kept squealing with happiness after I tucked her in bed.

The next morning I had to wake her up to get there in time. She was groggy and cuddly at first, then suddenly stopped. She broke out into a huge smile. “Let’s go to Publix!,” she yelled.

Ahh. The cookie.

Ahh. The cookie.

They took us upstairs first thing and Annada was clearly impressed. We could look out over the whole store. After that, though, she and the other toddlers were pretty focused on making sure we got a cookie before we left.

We finished up by going to “Old McDonald’s” as Annada would say. Cookies, a balloon, friends, halloween candy and french fries. Annada was a happy girl.


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