Jul 25 2011

Snow in Africa

Published by at 9:53 PM under Uncategorized

Playing in the snow.

Playing in the snow.

What would you do if it was 100+ degree inside and no one was watching you?

When Meme and I had our backs turned Annada stole into the bathroom, unrolled an entire roll of toilet paper, pulled it all onto my bed, took off her clothes and began jumping in the “snow!”

Afterward, we decided that the hours it kept her happy was well worth the price of a roll (there was very little room or toys for her to play). So Annada ended up using toilet paper for everything – play food, clothes and, of course, snow.


Marc performed magic tricks in homes constantly. It was an amazing way to build relationships and bring together extended families without needed a permit to perform.


Annada called Aicel her “fairy godmother” because Aicel would dress her up in her clothes to “go to the ball.” Just today Annada told me she is sad because her fairy godmother is in Africa (and not with her).


Annada and I going out with Sanaa and Doaa. This is the elevator at our apartment.


I took this picture from a hotel. Notice the traffic – there are 4 lanes but 6 cars across! That was a road we frequently played “leapfrog” across.


Grace and I met these college women for pizza. At first I thought the tall one was dressed up in black for religious reasons… nope. It is because she loves heavy metal!


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