Jul 04 2011

Seeing America with New Eyes

Published by at 7:03 PM under Uncategorized

We toured the US Capitol Building Friday.

We toured the US Capitol Building Friday.

We are home! We landed in Orlando yesterday after noon at 4 pm. Originally we had planned on hiding for a few days after returning to recover. But instead we are getting ready to celebrate.

Marc and I have a whole new appreciation for the United States of America. We loved so much about Africa, but this is Independence Day, so today I celebrate you, America!

I took a lot for granted. Like being able to see the Capitol Building – in Africa the places of state were surrounded by tall concrete walls with guards to make sure you didn’t get too close. While security may have been a small factor, but the message was a clear seperation between the royals and the people.

Meme's favorite place

Meme's favorite place

I’ve cried a lot in the last few days (granted, I’m tired). Why? When I got in my car and there was a worship CD on. I could play it as loud as I wanted. I could tell anyone about it. I can believe in Jesus or flying monkeys and no one is going to jail for what I believe. My marriage is legal and my custody of Annada is secure.

I saw a Mosque in DC. I am proud it is there. No one stood at the door with a stick to make sure only international visitors went in.

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Voltaire

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Voltaire

Marc, Annada, Meme, Grace and I visited our Congresswoman’s office. WE elected her. Her office was to serve us. I may not approve of everything she does – but that is just it. I can disapprove, loudly even if I want.

House of Representatives

House of Representatives

There are a lot of other things I love about my country. Things I took for granted like an aisle of cereal, being able to call 9-11, a servant-minded police force and multiple toilets in one house. But the freedom to think and believe whatever I want trumps them all.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

United Stated Constitution

Amen. May God bless America.


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