Jun 10 2011

2 weeks in Africa

Published by at 3:27 PM under Uncategorized

Reading together before bed.

Reading together before bed.

Well, we are right on track ;). It’s two weeks in and everyone is sick. Okay, not everyone, but most of us.

Meme has a bad cold. Marc and I have stomach issues. Annada has a mild cold and mild stomach issues. Annada and I are running low grade fevers. My stomach is pretty bad – I just started antibiotics. The nurse thought I should feel better in 3 days. I hope so. It is a real bummer to be here, have amazing people to spend time with and lay in bed instead. But I have to laugh – it’s two weeks! Right on schedule.

2 weeks means that we are starting to be comfortable. I know where I am going when I walk to the store, speak some basic words without stumbling and have quit running into people when we walk (there is a different pace or rhythm – it took me forever to figure it out).

We are also starting to be more realistic. We’ve had some things stolen and realize that while most people want to welcome us, a few know we are easy targets. A good tip: always have the exact amount for taxis.

I think Annada summed it up best. While she was “not napping” in her pack n play this afternoon she started a monologue on what she misses from our Orlando home. And then what she likes about her Africa home. She misses friends, her sand box, running outside, her toys and not being sick. “We can fly home, Mommy! We can.” She yelled. But then, all by herself, she started saying. “Our Africa home means Meme, lots of gum and cheese, the rocking horse and tea.” We miss home, feel sick and love being here all at the same time.

PS: My mom, Susan (AKA Meme), found out late last night her mother fell down and broke several bones. She is in surgery today. Please pray for my Grandma to heal well and for my mom as she worries about Grandma from a distance.


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