May 08 2011

Sounds Like That

Published by at 10:09 PM under Uncategorized

Picking Daddy up at the airport after he had been gone 2 weeks. She picked out the "My Dad is Totally Awesome" shirt to wear along with the skirt and balloons.
Picking Daddy up at the airport. Annada was so excited to see him. She picked out her “My Dad is Totally Awesome” shirt to wear and the skirt. She also picked out the balloons and made him a card. All day she would ask, “Is it time to go get Daddy?”

Sounds Like That

When she trying to be persuasive with a new new plan she says, “How’s sounds like that, Momma?”

As in, “Let’s got to the pool and then eat ice cream? Okay? How’s sounds like that, Momma? (Tongue Click)”

(Because I say, “how’s that sound?”)

My Dad

Annada is learning the important lessons. Yesterday after lunch, Annada threw her hands above her head and announced, “I am beautiful and wonderful and my Dad is totally awesome!”

Nakey Baby

Annada is still enthralled with baby Isaiah. Aunt Lucy calls Isaiah a nakey baby when he is undressed. So Annada has been stripping her dolls, running out of her special room and showing me her “nakey babies!”

Cinderella and Jesus

Annada’s favorite movie is the Cinderella with Brandy in it. We dance to “10 Minutes Ago” and “Impossible.” She pretends to be Cinderella. And she will pull her little white chair out, face it in the corner, sit on it and sing, “In My Own Little Corner.”

At night Annada now prays, “Dear God, Thank you for Mommy. Thank you for Daddy. Thank you for Meme and Pepe. Thank you for Grandma and Grandpa. Thank you for Nanny and Papa and Grandma and Grandpa. Thank you for cheese sticks. Thank you for Jesus. And thank you for Cinderella! Amen.”

Are you a lollipop?

Before bed, Annada like to pretend that Daddy and I are food. She will lean in like she is going to give us a hug and then nibble on us. We yell, “Annada, this is Mommy! I am not food!”

Then Annada laughs so hard she can hardly breathe. When she calms down she looks at us and barely gets out, “Are you a lollipop?” before cracking up again. We repeat with her coming up with different favorite food – cookies with sprinkles, chocolate, a donut, a cheese stick and carrots.

I usually let her go until I can tell she is laughing so hard she wants to stop but can’t. Then I wrap her in my arms and say, “shhh…” She gulps for air until she calms down. Then usually a few minutes later I hear her whisper, “Are you a lollipop?”

Annada loved crushing the Easter Eggs her and Meme dyed together. Meme filled them with candy and toys.

Annada loved crushing the Easter Eggs she and Meme dyed together. Meme filled them with candy and toys.


One response so far

One Response to “Sounds Like That”

  1. Keithon 16 May 2011 at 1:46 PM

    I am going to see Annada tonight!!

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