Feb 16 2011
In Annada’s Words
Tonight Annada and I were praying together before bed. She said:
“Dear Jesus, Daddy says I am wonderful. Mommy says I am wonderful. Jesus says I am wonderful. Annada is wonderful. Daddy is wonderful. Mommy is wonderful. Amen!”
I’ve had an upset stomach. So I’ve resorted to the BRAT diet. This morning Annada asked me why I was eating a banana for breakfast.
“I am hoping it makes my tummy feel better, Annada,” I replied.
Without missing a beat, Annada responded.
“I need hot cocoa for my throat. A ring pop would make my leg feel better (she has 2 spider bites). I need a cookie for my tummy. It will make it feel better.”
Speaking of spider bites, Annada is very concerned about hers. They are pretty minor, but I think she is a little disturbed that a spider bit her.
I have been teaching her that “Bites are bad, nibbles are nice.” That is to help her understand why it is okay for me to nibble on her toes but not okay for her to chomp down on other kiddos. Annada also likes to pretend she is an animal and give little nibbles to me and Daddy.
So Annada told me, “Mommy, you tell the spiders bites are bad and nibbles are good. No bitting Annada.”
Today as we were walking to work she even looked around then said loudly (to the spiders I think), “Spiders, only nibble Annada. No bitting.”