Nov 09 2010

Annada comes home TODAY!!

Published by at 2:43 PM under Uncategorized

The sun bursts are rays of pure joy exploding from my body.

The sun bursts are rays of pure joy exploding from my body.

I keep repeating to myself, “standing at the airport will not bring her home faster… standing at the airport will not bring her home faster…”

As parents wrapped up in absolute anticipation we have: new toys, fun snacks, reorganized her bedroom, made a sign and done the happy dance 20 times.

Yes, it was only a week. Yes, Annada was happy the whole time. Yes, she has amazing grandparents.

But I miss her!!!


One response so far

One Response to “Annada comes home TODAY!!”

  1. Kevinon 10 Nov 2010 at 8:28 PM

    It’s awesome that you’re excited to see Annada again! =D You are an amazing mother, Evie.

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