Aug 09 2010

The Never Ending Strep

Published by at 5:21 PM under Uncategorized

Shopping for the first round of antibiotics.

Shopping for the first round of antibiotics.

Almost a month ago Annada started seeming cranky. At night she would cry that she was hungry but not eat. Otherwise, she was a super happy active toddler.

We were heading out of town and I decided to play it safe by taking her to the doctor. It turns out we both had strep. Annada is such a trooper! A few days later I was feeling a ton better and Annada seemed more sparky too.

But as time went on Annada started complaining about her throat again and saying she was hungry after meals. I didn’t think she could have strep so I assumed she had a cold.

Three weeks later:

The last two nights she cried a lot at bedtime so Marc and I decided that if she was still upset in the morning we’d take her to the doctor. At breakfast I asked her if anything hurt. She said, “Throat. Go to doctor. Medicine. Annada needs medicine.”

Wow. I can’t believe how much Annada is talking and understands. So I took her to the doctor.

And guess what? She still has strep! And an ear infection. Ugh. I feel bad I waited so long to take her. So now we have extra strong antibiotics and I’m giving her Motrin. I could tell when the Motrin kicked in – she’s already a happier girl. I’m really hoping this is the end of strep (yeah – Marc has it now too) for our family.

PS: At the doctor’s Annada wanted the stethoscope. Dr. Nielsen asked Annada what the stethoscope is for in that casual, I-don’t-really-expect-an-answer way. I thought Annada was say, “Boom Boom Boom Boom” because that is what I do with her play stethoscope.

Annada points to Dr. Nielsen’s heart and says, “Heart.” I have no idea where she learned that!


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