Jul 28 2010


Published by at 1:22 PM under Uncategorized

Dinner with our cousins, Andrea, Cober and baby-boy.

Dinner with our cousins, Andrea, Cober and baby-boy.

I remember looking at Annada crying as an infant and longing for the day she could tell me what she wanted. That day has come! Between gestures and words, Annada has become very good at convincing pure strangers to give her candy, toys, pens… One day at Disney World two separate people gave her a brand new toy spontaneously after she smiled and said, “Hi!” to them. As for me and Marc… well, neither of us are very good at resisting her sweet little “pleeeease Mommy?”

I have a feeling the day is coming soon when Annada is talking like an adult. So I wanted to save a snap shot of where she is now. At 19-months Annada frequently says:

“bug, toy, hot, cold, wet, poop poo, pee pee, potty, undies, diaper, help, more, please, thank you, hot tea, milk, juice, apple, grapes, (ba)nanna, pepper, berries, yogurt, eggs, raisins, cookie, cracker, oatmeal, ice cream, miss, Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa (for both grandparents), Pepe, Meme, Erica, Rona, Kitties, doggie, bird, watch, happy, sad, miss, home, house, go, bounce, pool, book, puppets, draw, markers, nuts, up, down, hug, kiss, bye-bye, no, yes, Marc, phone, call, hi, here-you-go, all-done, watermelon, rainbow, yellow, wash, bath, water, uh-oh, one, two, guys, watch, Elmo, Dora, Buzz, baby, shoes, clothes, off, on, wake up, nap, nose, eyes, arms, feet, hands, boobies (thanks Erica), head, hair, hungry, drops, bib, swim, Jesus, amen, stop, help, naked and love.”

(I’m sure there are more – that is what comes to mind right now.)

Some of the phrases I hear every day are:
No nap, hungry hungry!
Uh-oh, poop poo. (Even if it’s not going to end up an accident, she doesn’t like the feeling.)
Pool please.
No! Miss, miss Daddy. (When he leaves for work.)
Miss _______ (Erica, Rona, Meme, Pepe, Grandpa(ma)). Go ______’s home.
Wake up Mommy! (In the morning when she gets up.)
Clothes off. Naked!


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