Jul 21 2010
Bounce, Bounce, Bounce
It was hot last week! It has been a fairly cool summer, but last week Annada and I had to hide inside. Annada was going stir crazy (and missing Daddy!) so I took her to Family Fun Time, an indoor bounce house place.
At first she was nervous and played with toys on the floor for about 30 minutes. But once she got going, she was a bounce-a-holic! I think the best part was this huge orange cat house. It was made for high bounces. Annada would lay down and I would bounce around her causing her to fly up in the air.
Just goofing off, I tried doing a split jump. Annada started laughing so hard, it took her almost a minute to catch her breath. That was it: for about the next half-hour I jumped into the splits and Annada rolled on the floor laughing. It was perfect, Annada was having fun and I got a work out.
Ever since then, about once a day, Annada has started jumping up and down then saying, “bounce, bounce, bounce… please?” She wants to go back
Where Quarters Come From
Once I couldn’t breathe from split jumps, I steered Annada toward a mini-arcade. There was a little car she could ride in that moved when you put in quarters.
I wanted to get quarters for a car but she was acting to strange about it. Like Mom – why?? When I finally pulled her over to the quarters she wouldn’t use mine.
“Ears, ears,” she said, trying to pull quarters out of her ears. In Annada’s world, that is where quarters belong!