Mar 22 2010

Riding high

Published by at 10:11 PM under Uncategorized


Kevin and Erica had an excuse to go to theme parks performed at Magic Kingdom, so Meme, Marc, Annada and I caught up with them at Epcott. It was a beautiful day and those sunglasses even lasted for a couple of minutes :).


We brought a stroller. They are great for carrying bags. Annada, however, spent most of her time a top Meme and Erica’s shoulders.

(And yes, I caught you letting Annada try the cokes, Aunt Erica!)



One minute Annada was babbling, pointing out “birs,” the next she passed out! It happened so fast, it scared me. I guess if you fight sleep as hard as Annada does, it has to sneak up on you. 30 minutes of ZZZs later, Annada was ready to conquer Disney again.



Feeding the ducks. That day Meme taught Annada to quack. Along with how to say “fry.” Meme must have some kind of special powers because Annada’s vocabulary seemed to double while Meme was here.



One response so far

One Response to “Riding high”

  1. Merrielleon 01 Apr 2010 at 11:41 PM

    Pete’s vocab seemed to blossom overnight one day, too……for weeks we’ve had “papa, tata (Katya) and mama” Then after 1 (long) day at the doctor/hospital to treat a broken arm we have

    doktah (doctor), rah (rock), that, no-no-no, dog, cah (car) and a couple others…..the funniest one to me is doctor. Hmmm….

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