Mar 07 2010

Annada’s new word: Pepe

Published by at 11:15 PM under Uncategorized


Pepe came to visit! When he first arrived Annada stared at him for a while, but she warmed up pretty fast. By that evening, she held his hand when they walked around outside and fell asleep in his arms.


Perhaps the biggest surprise was the next day after her nap. While I was changing her diaper I told her Pepe was still here. “Pepe,” she repeated after me. Then she called out for Dada. When he didn’t reply Annada started calling out for Pepe again! She called until Pepe came and since then has said his name several times.


Pepe got his first Annada kiss on this trip :).


Annada must be soaking up all the Grandparent and Meme/Pepe love because her vocabulary is exploding. She this week she started saying “egg,” “balloon,” “fish,” and “please.” Tonight she even said, “Night-night Dada”! Marc and I were shocked. (Normally that is what I tell Marc as he leaves her room.)


Friday Marc and I took Annada (along with Diego and his mom) to an outdoor showing of “Up.” Annada was scared during most of movie and furiously signed “all done.” (We left halfway through.) But she would crack up when the dogs said, “squirrel” and were distracted.

Annada must empathize with the dogs. Tonight when it was time for Diego to leave, Annada started following him and crying. She didn’t want him to go. Then mid-cry she suddenly stopped, turned and picked up a wood chip.

After 30 seconds of checking out the wood chip she stood up, looked around serachingly and rememebered she was upset about Diego. She started crying and heading toward his house again until… another wood chip crossed her path! It was hilarious. So now instead of “squirrel,” we say, “wood chip.”


Annada likes to get in Diego’s car and let him drive her around. They are the cutest couple: they give each other kisses, like to cruise around and fight over who touches the radio. Annada likes to sit on the floor and makes Diego mad by putting her feet in his space. Then Diego likes to swerve around and show off. But he is always very careful to drive slower when she is in the car because “she is a baby so I am gentle.”


In this picture, Diego noticed I was taking pictures and jumped on top to pose. Pepe is behind the car and Mario, Diego’s dad, is in front. These are adored kiddos.


One response so far

One Response to “Annada’s new word: Pepe”

  1. Nanny and papaon 09 Mar 2010 at 5:14 PM

    Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures of my great-grandbaby and my GREAT son! I am one lucky woman!

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