Feb 10 2010
Playground Kisses
Annada has a boyfriend! Or at least a boy who’s sweet on her. Diego is a tall, dark 2-something Annada meets at the playground. Today it was pretty adorable – Annada followed Brennan around and Diego followed Annada. Then every once in a while the order would switch and Annada would follow Diego and Brennan would follow her. It is neat to see how these older men look out for Annada (who looks at them with awe – especially when they go down the slide unassisted).
Diego likes to give Annada these gentle kisses on her head. I think it is great – affectionate kiddos are just passing on the love they have received. But it embarrasses Diego’s mom sometimes – especially when he tries to kiss Brennan. “Only kiss girls,” she reminds him.
Annada has her first chore: starting the dishwasher. She loves it! I will tell her it is time to start the dishwasher and she rushes over to push the start button. Then then she claps for herself and says “yea.” I love how Annada uninhbititedly cheers herself on – and makes sure the rest of of are cheering too.
She also flushes the toilet for me and gets her shoes if I tell her we are going outside. Annada seems to understand almost everything I say now. I can even tell her we need to get her jacket and she will start climbing the stairs. (Of course, anything that gets us outdoors is easy to teach.)
Annada is a climber. I put this step stool by the futon and she climbs up and down it many times throughout the day. The tricky part is that she has gained about 8 inches of trouble. For example, the box her toy instruments stay in is tough. So she will push it from her room, across the hall and up to Daddy’s nightstand so that she can play with his clock radio. Or she will use the oatmeal container in the pantry to find otherwise off-limits snacks.
Her most recent achievement, though, has been unlocking my cell phone. A few weeks ago I thought the times I caught her with my phone unlocked were accidents. But since then, everytime she has my phone I hear it start beeping.
So I locked it and watched – sure enough, as soon as she had the phone she turned it on and pushed the buttons to unlock it. I looked through the phone to see if I could make a longer passcode, but I can’t. So this week I had an appointment with hjhjhj at 10 am and Annada made several prank calls. So far she only calls Daddy, but if you get a call with babbling on the other end, feel free to tell her hi.
Thank you for reading to Annada, Grandma! What a treat.
Grandpa teaching Annada how to use a computer. Careful Grandpa, she is a fast learner!