Feb 04 2010

The word of the day is… Apple!

Published by at 9:07 PM under Uncategorized

Annada has a spot in the pantry where I put her snacks. She frequently goes through them, pulling out all the snacks until she finds the graham crackers to bring me. She’s learned how to sign “please” (meaning: give me!) and “more” in addition to “all done.” So she will bring me the crackers and start signing for more.

If I look at her and ask her to say please, she will sign that and try thrusting the crackers at me again. If I ignore her, she starts pulling on me and signing “all done” (as in, “Mommy, stop what you are doing”). But what really makes me laugh is when she REALLY REALLY wants something, she will start going nuts flipping between all three signs as fast as she can.

Once she has had a couple of crackers I put the crackers on the counter so she stops asking for them. If she is still hungry, I will start making a real snack for her. Today I cut up some apple slices. Annada happily walked around eating her apples and then went back to the pantry. She couldn’t find any more cracker bags (there are a couple, I usually give her one or two crackers from each bag she brings me) so she just sat there for a moment. Then she picked up the dried apples and brought it over.

I’m kinda stingy about the amount of processed food she can eat in a day, so I told her no. She started to pout but then paused, looked at me, pointed to the apples and said “abble.” I held up a new apple slice and she pointed at it and said it again! Since then, it is clear the new word for today is apples :). By tonight it is even sounding more like “apple” than “abble.”


At Annada’s favorite spot – the playground. At about 3:30 the moms tend to take their toddlers to the playground in my neighborhood. All of the kiddos are obsessed with wood chips. This is a classic game for them: “Pick out wood chips to put on the green circle things.” They even work together!




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