Nov 29 2009

First Thanksgiving

Published by at 7:36 PM under Uncategorized


Annada woke up bright and early – 5:45 – excited about Thanksgiving. At noon we left to have lunch with the Townsends. It was so good to spend time with them and their family. Then we picked up Jess and Rafal and met up with the St. Onge’s, Judy (our neighbor) and Nathaniel. We had dinner at the St. Onge’s – potluck style Thanksgiving. Then the men went to our home and played Risk while the ladies played golf at the St. Onge’s. Annada went to bed.

I think it was a pretty good Thanksgiving for Annada. She was adored everywhere she went. There was lots of good food and friends for her to play with. As you can tell from the picture, she was teething too. So it was a long night – but hey, what a better way to end Thanksgiving then by cuddling with Annada?


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