Nov 29 2009

11 Things I love about Annada at 11-months-old

Published by at 5:30 PM under Uncategorized

1) Annada will crawl over to her bookshelf, pick out a book, give it to me and then climb into my lap for the story.
2) Annada feeds herself. It may be messy, but it is also 10 minutes of downtime for mom as I listen to Annada’s happy noises.
3) Annada “honks” my nose.
4) Every 10 minutes or so Annada will come give me a hug while playing.
5) When we go to the playground, Annada starts yelling “Wee Wee” and climbs to the slide as fast as she can.
6) Annada makes noises not even Marc can replicate. It is the most adorable language ever.
7) Annada says “Ah-doh” and points when she wants something. When I pick it up and ask if I have the right object, she says, “Yeah.”
8 ) Annada absolutely loves flowers. She will walk with me for over an hour going from plant to plant and carefully picking out her favorite flower, leaf or rock. She treasures her collections and screams like she is in pain if I try to take them away.
9) She can climb behind the futon and has learned that Mommy and Daddy can’t follow her. If she gets something she shouldn’t have (my cell phone for example) she zooms behind the coach faster than seems possible. When I stick my head in the hole, she grins and laughs so deeply we all end up laughing.
10) When eating left-over pureed green beans one night, she squirted some out of her teeth. I knew they were gross and it was so adorable, I laughed too. Big mistake. We’ve been trying to break Annada of spitting food since then. Hardest part is, she clearly does it to make us laugh and looks expectantly at us. Now she has started doing it without food and it never fails to make us laugh.
11) When I nurse her before bed, she knows Daddy will come to tickle her and put her in PJs when she is done. So when she gets close to finished she starts laughing in anticipation. When she hears him on the stairs, she begins laughing harder. And when he gets to the door, she quick pretends to be eating again while smiling from ear-to-ear.



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